Sunday, 18 March 2012


Nursery Lesson Plan 26: Jesus Taught the People - 18 March 2012

Hi Parents,

Herewith just a follow up from our nursery session with your little ones on Sunday.  I hope that your radishes are growing, ours certainly are.  Remember to keep watering them with the children.

The concept area was Jesus and Learning Theme was Jesus taught the people (through stories).  Bible memory verse:  Luke 5:3 Jesus taught the people.  Bible Story and Passage: Luke 8:4-15 Story of the farmer scattering seed. Our activities included planting seeds with the children and talking to them about the good soil and how if we water them and they get sunshine they will grow.  We also had a cut out and paste activity with pictures of farmers, plants and people sowing. During our story time I had three glass jars, one filled with stones and pebbles, one filled with soil and weeds and one filled with good soil as they used to plant their seeds.  I then explained how the sower sows the seeds and some fall on rocks and get eaten by birds and do not receive nourishment, others fall in soil but the weeds destroy them and then others fall into good soil and with sunshine and water grow.  Explaining that we need to be like the seed that fall into good soil and that when we pray and read our bible we grow.

We sang songs together afterwards with the children such as Read your Bible Pray every Day and Who Made the Stars so bright and the children's favourite, If you're happy clap your hands.

Remember you can pot your radishes into pots or outside just as they are, the eggcontainers are biodegradable so will just dissolve.  Hope you can enjoy them with the children.

God bless

Lesson Plan

FIBC Nursery (0-5 years old)

Date: 14 April 2013, Time: 1 – 2.30pm

Concept Area: Jesus

Theme: Jesus taught people about God (through stories)

Key Bible Verse: Luke 5:3 Jesus taught the people.

Bible Story: Story of the Farmer Scattering Seeds (Luke 8:4-15)

Teachers: Elaine, Juliana and Timothy

12.50 – 1pm: Preparation & Prayer
  • Pray for the children who will come to hear and learn. Pray for positive, receptive spirits to hear God’s Word.
  • Bring a jug of water.
  • Set up room.
1-1.15pm: Songs

Remember to take out the musical instruments:
  • Read Your Bible
  • Who Made the Stars
  • If You’re Happy Clap Your Hands
  • Jesus Loves Me
  • I Love You, Jesus
  • God Is So Good
  • He’s Able
  • Obedience
  • Deep and Wide
 1.15-1.45pm: Snack Time
1.45 –2pm: Bible Story Time

Bible Story: Story of the Farmer Scattering Seeds (Luke 8:4-15)

Illustrate the story with a puppet, watering-can for watering the seeds, and sun for sunshine.

Begin the story as follows:

1.     Show a tray with 3 glass jars, 1 filled with stones and pebbles, 1 filled with soil and weeds and 1 filled with good soil the children use to plant their seeds. 

2.     A farmer sowed some seeds in his field.

3.     As he scattered the seeds, they fell in different areas of the field.

4.     Some seeds fell onto the path and the birds quickly ate them. (scatters some seeds on the tray)

5.     Some seeds fell onto rocks and do not receive nourishment. (Scatter some seeds in the jar with pebbles)

6.     Some seeds fell in soil but the weeds destroyed them. (Scatter some seeds in the jar with soil full of weeds)

7.     But some seeds fell onto good soil and with sunshine and water, the plants grew well. (Scatter some seeds in the jar with the good soil)

8.     We need to be like the seeds that fell into good soil and when we pray and read our Bible, we grow.

2 – 2.15pm: Activity Time
Activity: Planting Sunflower Seeds

  • Use egg cases and fill them with soil.
  • Let the children scatter sunflowers seeds in them.
  • Let them water the soil with the water can

Say: “If the seeds fall on good soil and if we water them and they get sunshine, they will grow into a beautiful sunflowers.”

2.15 – 2.30pm: Clean up Time

Clean up together and sing the song “Time to Clean Up

2.30pm: Parents pick up kids

Contingency Activity: Bible Reading from the Rhyme Bible, Play Dough

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