Saturday, 20 April 2013


Nursery Minutes of Meeting - 20 April 2013

Present: Rochelle, Simon, Allan, Jannie, Wi Min, VK, Juliana and Elaine

1. Nursery Church Events

The following was agreed:

• Rochelle will lead the play and coordinate with Austin for the Family Service
• To try to include singing by the children

2. Policy for using Planning Centre

The following Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) were agreed:

1. Click "Accept" when you receive notification from Planning Centre
2. Leader should check that helpers have accepted notification on Monday of the week
3. Find own replacement in case of sickness/absence
4. Let Simon if you need to update planning centre of any swapping of duty you have arranged
5. Simon will check that technically it is working, to input the lesson number

3. Songs-repertoire

The following are the 10 songs agreed:

1. Deep & Wide
2. Give Me Oil In My Lamp
3. God Made The Big Round Sun
4. If You're Happy & You Know It
5. Jesus Loves Me
6. I've Got Peace Like A River
7. I've Got the Joy Down In My Heart
8. My God Is So Great
9. The Butterfly Song
10. This Little Light of Mine

Please see this link for lyrics and tune:

• Juliana volunteered to download of songs & save it into CD
• The copy of CD will be placed in the Nursery room
• Teachers can play from laptop or iPad

4. Structure & Routine

The following were discussed:

1. To have  a similiar structure and routine for class
2. To incorporate regular singing activity every week
3. We did not have time to agree on the sequence of the structure and should be discussed in the next quarterly meeting (e.g. Singing followed by Snack, Bible Story and Craft Activities?)

5. Knowledge Sharing

The following ideas were brainstormed and agreed:

1. Share lesson plan and PowerPoint presentationon FIB Nursery Blog (Lesson Plan can be posted by each Teacher directly. Powerpoint presentations can be emailed to Elaine, who will share in the blog)
2. Visit other churches to see how they run the nursery
3. Conduct 1-day workshop by VK & Wimin

6. Guiding Behavior In Children

The following guidelines were agreed:

1. The Nursery will use the Guiding Misbehavior and Disciplinary Strategies by Janice Hayhood shared by VK & Wi Min.
2. Add Time-out for teachers
3. Teachers should be focusing on conducting the lesson and not parents could take more responsibility of own child in the nursery by being there to assist
4. Get the Nursery Helper to go to the Sanctuary Hall to get more help when needed (e.g. on days when there are more attendance from children)
5. Allocate 5 min debrief after class
6. Teacher, Assistant and Helper on duty to help clean up the Nursery after class.

The following roles were agreed:

1. The Leader's role is to focus on conducting the lesson.
2. The Assistant's role is to keep the order of the class.
3. The Helper's role is mainly to help with the practical things (for example help with accompany the children to the washroom)

Juliana shared 2 useful books in dealing with behavior of children:

• Taming the family zoo - maximizing harmony and minimizing family stress. By Jim and Suzette Brawner. Forward by Gary Smalley.

• The treasure tree. By John&Cindy Trent and Gary&Norma Smalley

7. Nursery Room

The following were discussed:

• The use of professional cleaning is an option considered.

8. Supplies

Jannie will look into buying sanitizer

9. Regular Fellowship for the Nursery Team

The following ideas were brainstormed:

1. We should not solely be co-workers of the Nursery but family.
2. The aim of fellowship is to build closer bond with one another as a family of God serving together in the Nursery.
3. Juliana encouraged us to read Ch. 19 of "Purpose Driven Life" book
4. Some fellowship ideas include:
• Pizza evening: where Rochelle makes the dough and we bring toppings and make the pizza together on an evening (e.g. Friday evening)
• Cook together or bake together time on a Friday evening for example
• Retreat: we camp overnight with the children in the garden of one of us. The children will love it.
5. It should be spontaneous and does not have to be formally planned.
6. It should be ok to pick up the phone to call one another, before sending an email to ask if we can call.
7.There can be girls' time together or boys' time together.

10. Next Quarterly Meeting

Date: 24th August 2013
Time: 2 pm
Place: Jannie & Allan's home

Proposed Agenda for the next quarterly meeting:
1. Nursery Structure
2. Training of Helpers
3. 10 Minutes tips on Blog
4. Review the Nursery Guidelines for Handling Children's Behavior (What work, what don't work, etc.)

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